Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to add External Tool on Visual Studio IDE

Note: This article is for absolute beginner.

There are some cool external tools that I found valuable in my web development tasks. One of them is a utility called javascript lint, a javascript checker/verifier. In this article, I would discuss how to add js lint as an external tool.

First, you need to download a copy of javascript lint.

  1. Then click on Tool->External Tools
  2. Click Add.
  3. Specify name for the Tool
  4. On the Command field, click browse to locate the javascript lint executable. The value of this field should be complete path to executable plus the executable name.
  5. On the Arguments field, you can just put -process $(ItemPath). The arguments here depends on the arguments that are supported by the external tool. In this case, javascript lint needs a -process parameter.
  6. On the Initial Directory, put $(ProjectDir)
  7. Put a check mark on Use Output Window checkbox.
  8. Click Apply.

Cool! Now you are set. You should be able to see a new Tool Menu item. Go ahead and give it a try.

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